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creative wall art |  Advertising art, collected by Megan over the years, brightens the kitchen walls. Although originals can be hard to find -- and pricey -- reproductions abound. Another trick is to buy inexpensive frames "to show off greeting cards and calendar images with advertising art. When you crop them and show them on a black background, no one knows where you got them from, as long as the image quality is good."

Interspersed amidst the framed artwork are "Earthquake stars" -- iron brackets used to stabilize walls in buildings from the 1800s. Explains Megan: "[Two stars would be placed] on opposite walls linked by an iron bar that would run through the house (many times through the attic), holding the walls and roof together in strong winds and earthquakes... My mother is a fan of old rustic and country decor, and she gave me my earthquake stars which are mostly reproductions. You can find them for $5- $25 in country/craft stores and in decorator's catalogs, too. The best, though, is when you find the originals at flea markets! "  >
