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other recent host articles:
o Book Club
o Make it a Margarita
o Prep a Perfect Party Pad
o MmmmMojito
o How to the a Good Wedding Guest
o Entertaining in Small Spaces
o Etiquette Schmetiquette
o Board Silly: best party board games
o A Personal Passover
o the Good Houseguest

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... and thanks for all the fish 
easy, breezy, (almost) painless thank you notes
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continued from page 2
Recycle your giftwrap – use those scraps of decorative wrapping paper to make collaged note-cards.

Go with a postcard. Start storing up freebie promotional postcards – from your favorite store, from your artist friend, from that wall of free postcards near the bathroom in the café you frequent.

What to say
Keep it short, simple, and sweet, but do make it personal. Not only is a generic form letter boring to read, but it’s not a heck of a lot of fun to write either. If, however, you’re at a complete loss as to what to say, it does help to keep a few guidelines in mind. The basic outline for a thank you note is:

1. Mention the gift/say why you’re writing this thank you note: "Thank you so much for the terrific birthday gift."
2. Praise it for its beauty/utility/all-around-excellence … in short, gush over how much you love it and appreciate it: "I absolutely love the Mexican wool blanket you sent me; the purple-and-red colors are gorgeous, and will go really well in my bedroom."
3. Let the giver know how you plan to use it: "I’m looking forward to the weather cooling down so I’ll get a chance to snuggle up under the blanket." People like to know that their gifts are being used, so be as specific as you can. Yes, even – and especially – in the case of monetary gifts. If the $50 check your Aunt Betsy sent you has gone towards a much-needed, new set of dinner plates to replace your ugly, chipped old ones, by all means tell her so. 
4. Say something personal. If you saw the giver recently, let him/her know how much you enjoyed catching up. If it’s been ages since you last got together in person, let them know how much you’ve missed spending time with them, or how you hope you’ll get a chance to visit/see them soon. Extend an invitation for them to come visit you. Tell them about what’s new in your life, inquire about how they’re doing, wish the best to their family. Be chatty, be natural, be real.

The funny thing about thank you notes is that the anticipation of writing them is generally far worse than the act itself. So quit procrastinating – set a date with some stationery and your favorite pen, and get writing.

check out these related articles
etiquette schmetiquette | wedding guest etiquette | how to be a perfect overnight guest | entertaining out-of-town guests 

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