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farmer jo: 
oming up flowers: 
things artichoke 
by Joanna Piatek
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I am not at my best in the winter -- I shy away from snow and drizzle. But after a long winter hiding away from the rain and cold, Farmer Jo has finally peeked her head out of the house long enough to discover that spring has sprung here in the Northwest.

With the bright sunshine finally filling the late evenings I am able to get back out in the world. In my late afternoon wanders I was lucky enough to come across one of the rare treats that spring can bring -- a new romance. It is true that no girl can be careful enough with her heart, and I tried to keep my cool around my sweet new suitor. Alas, all was lost one Wednesday evening. This lucky farmer discovered she'd met her match, when the fellow in question presented her with a bouquet of unlikely flowers… artichokes.

Artichokes are a native of the Mediterranean, but grow quite well here in the Northwest. California produces 99% of the commercially sold artichokes, while Oregon and Washington are full of private artichoke farms. Although we generally think of the artichoke as a vegetable, it is actually a flower! The artichoke is a member of the thistle group and related to the sunflower family. The vegetable that we eat is actually the plant's flower bud. If allowed to flower, the blooms grow up to seven inches in diameter and blossom into a striking iridescent violet-blue color.

Artichokes are a good source of vitamin C, folate and potassium. Each tasty artichoke is also low in sodium, fat-free and tops out at only 25 calories. Perfect pre-bathing suit season food! Artichokes take a little prep work, but are well worth the time and effort. Here are a few ideas on how to utilize the garden's, or grocery store's, bounty.

mosey this way for some artichoke ideas


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