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a home + living guide for the post-college, pre-parenthood, quasi-adult generation


editor's note 

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share the love valentine's day isn't just for couples anymore by Kelly Beachell Gasner | 1 2 3 4
continued from page 3
Compliments are another good way to share the love, so after guests have had a chance to mingle for a while and get to know each other, pass out slips of paper, have each guest write one nice thing about another guest on it, and put it in a bowl. Then you pass the bowl around, drawing slips at random, and reading the compliment aloud. The party then drinks a toast to the complimented guest. Compliments can be nice ("Alex is one of the smartest guys I've ever met.") or naughty ("Emma has the best butt in the room."), but they're always anonymous and are guaranteed to spread the love around the room. Make sure there's a compliment about every guest in the bowl before you start -- you write them if necessary.  
Looking for something other than the same old same old love songs come February 14th? Check out the newly-released
I'm with Cupid
a romantically rockin' CD compilation of love-centric songs put together by our good friends at Waxfruit Media. This transatlantic pop valentine features an international assemblage of great indie bands, including Miss Mary, the A-Lines, and more. 

Serenading your lover is one of the most romantic V-day traditions. Give the whole party a chance to serenade each other by setting up a karaoke machine and offering a variety of schmaltzy tunes to woo the crowd.

After a few bubbly pink drinks, the company might even be up for a game of Spin the Bottle or Five Minutes in the Closet. Suggest them if you feel the mood is right.

other tips
For a Share the Love party to be successful, you need:

  • a good mix of old friends, new friends, & strangers
  • a sexy and fun atmosphere -- nothing too overt or too romantic
  • good lighting
  • sensual, tactile food
  • lots of alcohol

Spread the love around this Valentine's Day and your friends will be thanking you for a long time to come.


Kelly Beachell Gasner is a freelance lifestyles writer.  She lives in San Diego, CA.

check out more articles by kelly beachell gasner: the lost art of baking bread

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can't buy me love | beyond hearts and flowers | valentine's day breakfast in bed
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