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a home + living guide for the post-college, pre-parenthood, quasi-adult generation


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other recent LOUNGE articles:
o Green Scene: Indoor Herb Gardening
Album-cover CD Box
A Room of My Own
Fight the Chaos
Gallery-style Picture Hanging Tracks
o After School
Sew What?
o Curtain Time
Lazy Decorator's Bag of Tricks
Home sweet homes
Minor Makeover Miracles: Kitchen
CD decor

copyright ©1999-2002

office space
diary of a home office makeover: part 3
| 1 2 3 4
continued from page 3

The racks were a good start, but we still needed to find more room for books, binders, and the like. To make better use of the big empty space above the length of his desk, and to give the boy easy access to all his reference books, we went ahead and installed some more of those handy dandy wall shelves. And while my desk faces the window, there was still a small bit of wall in the corner that was just begging for some corner shelving. In a rare flash of inspiration, I even figured out a way to make rounded corner shelves for cheap.

Now for the longest time, I’d had plans to make fancy pull-out drawers or shelves and install them under my desk. I’d pictured something similar to the shelf in my TV cart, which slides out to give us access to our turntable, and while I’m pretty certain this design would have worked just fine, I kept putting off actual construction. One afternoon, fed up with the mess of papers sitting on my desk and waiting to be filed, I finally got tired of waiting to do it the proper way. I grabbed some translucent plastic placemats, creased the ends, then promptly proceeded to staple gun them under the desk. The results were two makeshift storage baskets that sort of hang in semi-loops under the desk. Sort of a stupid idea, I’ll admit, but it works, and it’s nice being able to actually see the surface of my desk again.

Of course, having the space to store things away is only the first crucial step in getting de-cluttered. The main issue now is just training ourselves to put things away when they’re not in use. We’re working on it, slowly, but old habits sure are hard to kick. . Coming soon ... in lounge, follow the fourth installment of Office Space as we start thinking about color scheme. 

And if you missed them before, check out part one and part two of the series.

check out these related articles: 
easy corner shelves | home/work 
 fight the chaos | on weeding: school stuff 

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